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Superb Trucks LP: How to Conduct a Field Experiment
作者姓名:Mansur Khamitov; Jodie Whelan; Matthew Thomson;
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B15A025
出版日期:2015/05/29內容長度:8 頁

In August 2013, the research director of Superb Trucks LP, a large Ontario-based trucking transportation company, is expected to prepare a recommendation to top management on how to improve the efficiency of the company’s trucks. He had made a decision that an innovative fuel additive might serve this purpose and subsequently conducted two studies to assess its effectiveness. What considerations should be made when designing such a field experiment? .....more

Brand Equity
作者姓名:Chris A. Higgins; Jodie Whelan
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B10E023
出版日期:2011/02/01內容長度:3 頁

A marketing company has collected a large dataset on brand equity for the fast food and travel sectors. They have come up with their way of measuring "brand equity." Various statistical techniques are used to assess the concept of brand equity. These include descriptive statistics, crosstabs, ANOVA and MANOVA.